Welcome to 1KSTEPS

Storytellers by Birth

We've always wanted to tell stories, since we were very little. Despite multiple misadventures and problems, we are set on achieving it.

Lovers of Fiction

In all its forms and possibilities, we think the ability to create fiction is fundamental to the human experience. Any kind of story is special, because a human mind envisioned it.

Words from the Heart

No matter what we're writing, we always try for it to evoke genuine feeling and be a sincere reflection about ourselves, the world, and existence.

Hello! My name's actually Juan, but I go by Walker Millgress. You don't really know anything about me. I haven't done anything that remarkable. My life hasn't been uneventful, but I wouldn't call it hard. I've gone through many things, good and bad. I've had some terrible low points, and I've been on the verge of ending it all. Even so I can admit that I'm lucky, that I've got awesome people in my life, that I've always had a roof over my head, that I have a chance to do what I always wanted to do: Learn how to make videogames. And then, of course, create them.

1KSTEPS was born as an idea around 2021 or 2022, as the name I would use for my studio/thingy. Why 1KSTEPS? See, because there's a thousand things to do. The journey is really lengthy and demanding, but the hardest part is taking the first step. Knowing this is what I'm going to do with my life. Knowing this is me, and getting to be comfortable with that. A dear friend, one of the dearest to me, once told me that he saw in me a lot of perseverance. I've had chances to prove and disprove that claim, I've been perseverant, and I've failed to be. But ultimately I decided to adopt it as a part of me: The intention to never stop giving it my best.

1KSTEPS is founded in a basic thought, that I've always had with me: That capacity for fiction, for metaphor and allegory, is one of the greatest gifts that humankind has. You can attribute it to divinity, or you can think it's an accident of nature, but either way it's one of our biggest privileges. It's this capacity for abstract thought that makes us such interesting creatures. To me, these are the most bizarre sets of physics in the universe: someone can change your life trajectory, not by meeting you, but by you reading the ideas they had, the worlds they created. There are no atoms, no particles of this world that are real. But it lives, in the head of the author... and now in yours. A miracle of chemistry and a testament to the wonderful power of connection.

To me, it's a little bit like magic.

And I want to create that kind of thing!